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Hydraulic Engineering
Other Services
Hydraulic Engineering

Other Services
Hydraulic Engineering

Wastewater discharge to the sewer system, surface water or ground water must be in accordance with legally established minimum parameters.
Abakal has an extensive experience in the design and installation of Urban Wastewater Treatment Plants for:
In addition Abakal offers:
Abakal professionals are specially trained in most advanced Industrial Wastewater Treatment technics, having developed several projects of Industrial WWTP (Waste Water Treatment Plants) for different sectors of activity:
Abakal provides complete solutions for wastewater and rainwater reuse ranging from the exploitation of wastewater in urban areas, the tertiary treatment and wastewater reuse for irrigation to purification and reuse of industrial waters.
Abakal defines your project of wastewater discharge authorisation selecting the most suitable wastewater treatment for your discharge into the receiving body. Abakal submits to the relevant Organism this project with an application form of authorisation in order to obtain this permission as soon as possible.
Project involves communication with Organisms in charge of water basin management regarding to flow rates justification and pollutant loads produced by the activity (industrial, commercial, domestic), as well as water treatment system proposal, its discharge, intended efficiency, plant location and point of discharge.
Abakal applies for all procedures to obtain the discharge authorization and permission of our client’s activity.
The wastewater discharge authorization shows that the project describes an appropriate water treatment involving no health or environmental hazard and fulfilling relevant legal requirements.
Discharge Permit is an essential requirement to obtain the operating license required for running a commercial or industrial activity.
Construction project development involves the design of a wastewater treatment plant and the selection of the most suitable equipment among the most competent providers in the market. In addition operative planning is performed anticipating both human and technical resources and meeting deadlines required to deliver the project successfully and within budget ranges established.
Main duties of our Project Managers involve technical, aesthetic, urban and environmental issues within the construction site. We also process licenses and permits aiming to ensure the adequate project execution.
Abakal offers a Construction Management Service with the commitment of the turnkey delivery of the project. Optimization of available financial resources is especially taken into account.
The optimal exploitation of a wastewater treatment plant requires constant monitoring of the operations, a comprehensive estimation of consumption rates and the anticipation of its possible extension. Abakal experience can offer services with adjusted costs and a long-term fulfillment.
With the Installation Audit Service, Abakal provides an effective solution for treatment systems without wastewater discharge authorization avoiding unnecessary fines. Through an audit of the installation the suitability of the system is checked, adapting it if necessary and processing its legalization.
This service involves studies regarding to extension of treatment capacity, discharge quality improvement and water reuse.
The Integrated Quality System and Environmental Management of ABAKAL, based on the UNE-EN-ISO 9001: 2015 and UNE-EN-ISO 14001: 2015 is applied to the following activities:
These activities are carried out in our central headquarters in Arganda del Rey (Madrid), C / Carrera Toledana # 33
The Integrated Quality System and Environmental Management of ABAKAL, based on the UNE-EN-ISO 9001: 2015 and UNE-EN-ISO 14001: 2015 is applied to the following activities:
These activities are carried out in our central headquarters in Arganda del Rey (Madrid), C / Carrera Toledana # 33