Technical bidding for the design of the new wastewater treatment plant of Gandarío en Bergondo (A Coruña)
Abakal Ingenieros Consultores works together with Paymacotas in the technical bidding for the new wastewater treatment plant of Gandarío (A Coruña, Spain). The proposed solution perfectly suits the demanding discharge regulations applying in the area due to its high environmental and touristic value.
The new wastewater treatment plant of Gandarío is designed to treat the wastewater of 6,000 equivalent inhabitants with an average flow of 2,300 m3/h an a peak flow of 340 m3/hour.
The treatment process includes a tertiary treatment comprising a microfiltration process and UV disinfection unit. The UV treatment is designed with self-cleaning system and its power consumption is regulated in accordance with the variation of the wastewater flow.
The new wastewater treatment plant is designed with the best automation technology and security systems. The landscape alteration is minimized thanks to an excellent environmental integration. Odour and noise are mitigated using the best equipment and the treated water is reused for irrigation.